Sunday, November 20, 2011

Help with itchy pooch: Dog skin infection...?

Is there anything I can do for her on my own. We are broke and the local vet is an expensive crook. She has had some antibiotics before, but as soon as they run out, she's all red and itchy again.

Will she recover eventually on her own? Will anything ever get worse/ health problems. We can't afford to have her on nonstop antibiotics. Is there anything natural or over the counter? Would benadryl help, I know people have used that for dog allergies, but the vet said this was an infection.

How about an anti-yeast cream for baby butts?

Gimme anything useful....thanks!

Help with itchy pooch: Dog skin infection...?
Change her food.

Get one without corn, wheat, milk, soy, beef or chicken.

Innova EVO is best. It's a little on the pricey side, but you save money in the long run.

Really! It's doing great things for itchy dogs.

California Natural Skin and Coat Formula is also great. Wonderful for itchy dogs.

Find both at
Reply:There are oatmeal baths soaps that you can use and that might help with the dry skin. You can buy them at any pet store.

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