Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can Stress cause itchy skin?

A lil while ago my sig. other found out he has Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease and of course im worried but now my arms and underarms and neck are itchy like crazy. could stress or worrying cause this?!

Can Stress cause itchy skin?
Eczema(skin irritation) can flare up when you are under stress. Learn how to recognize and cope with stress. Stress reduction techniques can help. Changing your activities to reduce daily stress can also be helpful
Reply:When I was about 21 and going through a stressful time (my partner left me with a 7 week old baby and i was half way through a teaching degree) I developed really itchy fingers and ankles/heels. I wrongly thought I had a verrucae! When over the counter remedies made this worse I went to my GP who asked if I had suffered with eczema as a child I hadn't so he concluded it was brought on by stress. I still get itchy fingers whenever I'm stressed at work. I just immeadiately slap on some cream.
Reply:~Yes, stress can cause all sorts of physical and emotional problems. Don't be surprised if you get a rash too. Try to relax.~
Reply:This happens to me when I get all stressed out. I just started noticing it a few months ago. Just try to relax. It can't hurt to ask your doctor about it.
Reply:Itchy skin has been the Nemesis of my existence for about 10 years. I've been to a dozen doctors and dermatologists and found out that I might as well have consulted one of Houdini's fakers. I've tried a ton of creams, solutions but the best diagnosis was from a dermatologist on Maui-"Well, you've got 'itchy arm syndrome'.". HOW MANY YEARS DID YOU GET SCHOOLED? Anyway, yes, I do believe stress can be a contributing factor for your dillema but I'd go to a dermatologist just to check-at least you'll get a good chuckle out of it.
Reply:It is possible. Strange, but possible.

Anyway, don't worry, especially if he is getting treated. From what I came up with doing a rough translation, that's a form of acid reflux disease.
Reply:It is possible.Higher stress levels affect both the mental and physical health of a person. Deep breathing is a simple relaxation technique which can be used to effectively lower stress levels at any time.There are many deep breathing relaxation techniques which when followed will make you feel relaxed.More details and remedies at

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