Is it just the winter or what? My skin has been itching like crazy here lately. My hands are dry!! I started bathing in baby oil. I have been using Vaseline Hand stuff. In the pink pump thing. My sister bought a bunch at Sam's, (sent some to me in a Rubbermaid bowl.) It has helped a lil but I am still real dry and itchy. I carry Avon lotion non scented in my purse. I keep a Bottle of Johnson's Baby lotion with Vitamin E and aloe at the computer, because I use this on the kids also. When I use the bathroom, I try to remember to put some on! I lotion several times a day. I am still itchy! What do you suggest?
My skin is itchy!!!?
Scratch it! Jeeze why you have to get permission first! %26lt;sarcastic%26gt;
Reply:I have the some thing SO use Vitamin E i have it and it really helps
Reply:Im an itchy someone also. "Gold Bond" is my favorite solution. It works so well. I prefer the powder but they have lotion also.
Reply:My skin is always itchy in the winter. Winter time is less humid, and the heater makes the air even drier, which dries out our skin. I have found the best thing for me is to put lotion on all over my body, right out of the shower, while I still have some water on my skin. That helps trap some of the water and gets me through the day! I also have to keep lotion on my hands, especially after I wash them.
Reply:Drink extra water and use a humidifier in your house. And take a look at other lotions: Sometimes Vasaline just doesn't cut it.
Also, try using a non-allergenic laundry detergent: You might be getting allergic to the detergent you use. And take a look in a local nutrition store for soap: It could be that your soap is drying your skin out too.
Good luck!
Reply:This can happen with the cooler dry weather of winter. Try using Dove helps me.
Reply:Could be a combination of dry winter air and something else. Maybe a new laundry detergent. Baby oil doesn't really relieve dry skin, it's good for makeup removal and getting stickers off stuff. I find it clogs my pores and makes me break out. Try a body lotion that isnt fragranced. Your dry skin may be extra sensitive right now....
Here is an old trick that works to relieve itching for hives and chicken pox, plus great for your skin. fill an old stocking or sock with oatmeal, tie tight , run a warm bath and squish the oatmeal sack under the water. Good luck
Reply:i hear you!!! me too...i've found that the dove moisturing body wash helpsme - and i thought nothing ever would - i found a heavy duty cream for my hands, feet and elbows not long ago - costs a little more, but seeing as you use so much less it probably costs the same - it has urea in it - i think diabetic people use it and you can only find it at the drug store - ask the pharmasist (abou $10/bottle) - hope it helps!!
Reply:Wel first off make sure your lotion doesn't have alchol in it, this coul dbe drying you out more. I know vaseline lotion has some in it. You should get aveeno or lubriderm. They will keep you moist. Secondly try taking brewers yeast, you can get it at any vitamin store. I used to take this when I was younger and had really bad exczema on my hands. It helped alot. if it still persists then you should go see a doctor. More than likely it is the weather causing this. Weather has been weird all around the country.
Reply:Aveeno Lotion and Aveeno Baths. The colloidal oatmeal in this product helps stop the itching and the dry skin. Always use unscented. Use a mild soap such as the Aveeno Body Wash Unscented or Dove Unscented. Take Primrose Oil Capsules 500mg per day. These contain linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid needed by the skin. Also, drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated.
Reply:I had this! I tried gold bond but that just made it burn, try a product in a white pump bottle called Sarna,its specifically for itchy skin while many other lotions like gold bond are for dry skin.
its should work wonders!
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