Saturday, July 24, 2010

I have itchy skin how can I cure it?

1. Warm bath with oatmeal-based bath additive, such as Aveeno Bath Treatments.

2. Cooled down cooked oatmeal slathered all over yourself in total body mask, let dry and then shower off.

3. No baby oil or any oil made of mineral oil.

4. Hydrocortisone cream (not lotion) will end the itchiness (pruritus) temporarily.

5. Rub warmed olive oil all over your skin after a hot shower before bed.

6. Eat more green vegetables.

7. Stay out of direct sunlight and wind.

8. Add humidity to your home. Even a simmering pot of water on the stove will add more than enough moisture to the air.

9. Bathe/Shower with soap only twice a week until condition improves. Use oatmeal instead.

10. Also, try adding a cup of whole milk to your bath water.

I have itchy skin how can I cure it?
Reply:itchy skin, you'd have to be more specific...try a benadryl and a moisturizing lotion
Reply:lotion, lotion, lotion! put it on as soon as you get out of the shower.
Reply:You'll have to consider the cause. Is it an outside source?

( Poison Ivy ???) An internal source? (Something you ate you're allergic to complete with red bumps and splotches?)

Or is it an external condition - dryness (from removing too much natural body oil bathing too often? or digging in the dirt? or working with clay?)

Knowing the source of the itch is key to working on its cure.

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