Need a lot more information to be helpful in answring this. It could be anything from dry skin to thryoid disease to cancer......
I hve random itchy skin throut my body?
You may have eczema, try creams but sometimes they'll make you itch just as bad so if they don't work try ice (even if you put bags of frozen veggies on your skin where it itch's)
Good Luck :-)
Reply:Probably you have eczema. Go see a dermatologist.
Reply:Go see a dermatologist. It's called eczema and can be treated with topical lotions. Most likely.
However, it could be a symptom of a more serious problem. A medical doctor needs to examine you to rule out possible infections or diseases that first present symptoms like eczema.
Reply:We'll need way more information if anyone will be able to tell you what this might be. There are a number of things that could be causing this:
Alergic reaction
Too much laundry detergant leaving residue and irritating the skin
More details would help but you should still see a doctor.
Reply:Try using some lotion your skin could be dry
Reply:Good Soap and water (bath/shower)
Reply:Probably cancer, but don't worry about it.
Reply:Perhaps you have dry skin. Moisturize!
If there's some sort of rash, inflamation or other topical symptom besides the itch, see a doctor .
Reply:sounds like dry skin try a body butter or an oil like monoi oil. maybe eczema or hives as well
Reply:scratch it!!!!!!!
Reply:see your doc
Reply:Skitchy throut itchy body butt death WHAT THE HELL DID YOU ASK!
Reply:Several reasons;
1 Dry skin, use more moisture cream
2 Allergies, consider antihistamines OTCs, (dontjust try it ask Doc first)
Reply:try a some lotion, or an oatmeal bath
Reply:it could be ezema. You should get the the dr. and let them diagnose this. My daughter has it and they prescribed elidel for it and it helps alot. Its like dry itchy patches on her skin. You can try over the counter products, Euricen works pretty good, but a medical opinion helps.
Reply:The Dove line is amazing!
Works wonders.
; }
Reply:Benadryl will do perfect
Reply:Many people have already suggested Eczema and dry skin, and they might be right. However, also consider an allergic reaction, perhaps to a new detergent or fabric softener you're using. Allergies are known to develop spontaneously as well, so even products you've been using for a while might suddenly cause the itching.
Also note that Benadryl and similar products can temporarily relieve the symptoms, but are not a long-term solution, as they do not address the root cause.
Reply:I sometimes get extremely itchy on my arms and legs (as if there were bugs crawling on and biting me), and it actually has turned out to be tactile hallucinations. Go to a doctor because there are a million different things that could be causing itchy skin.
Reply:Sounds like eczema. You need to see a dermatologist and request a patch test. They put 10 stips of tape w/ 10 small rings on each strip on your back w/ multiple possible causes., ( pollen, dust, soaps... )
I had it done 8 years ago for the same reason. My cause was was found in allot of red shades of tatoo ink. My reaction was caused by my tatoo.
Reply:The best thing you could do is to buy Anti itch cream like a cortisone cream and or take a anti histamine pill like benadryl and if it gets wore seek medical attention.
Reply:Dry and flaky skin?
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