I have thought about why, lately, I'm itching so much before going to sleep. Which of these possiblities could be the answer:
I do not drink enough water so my skin is drying out.
It is too dry out, so I need to use skin lotion daily.
I need to wash my sheets and blanket because sweat and dirt is irritating my skin.
I need to rewash my sheets and blanket because the detergent used is irritating me.
I have allergies.
What one or combonation of ones above can be correct.
If there are other possibilites, please let me know. And what can I do to cure the above possible casues to my problem, aside from the obvious, like wash my bedding or drink more water?
I have really itchy skin, why?
Try and find a detergent that won't irritate the skin, see website below. Also, since you're not drinking enough water, I usually put a large glass/container of water by the bed so I can drink in the middle of the night. What also helps tremendously is getting a good sonic humidifier. It prevents your nasal passages from drying up and catching colds. The humidifier I have is Venta which is top-of-the-line, but there are others you can get. It has a removable filter which means you can use tap water. With non-filtered ones, you have to use distilled water (no minerals to clog it up). These filters have to be replaced every 3 months. (Bed, Bath %26amp; Beyond) use their 20% coupon (just sign up for it) as the expiration date doesn't matter.
Reply:it's winter in the US which can be drying to skin. drink lots of water, use a humidifier, and moisturize well. see your dermatologist if things continue after a week.
Reply:Dry skin could be one or you may have bed bugs you did say when you go to sleep
Reply:If you take a shower before sleep change soap it is very common to be allergic to soaps.
Sometimes some laundry detergents cause allergy. Try looking of anti-allergy detergents.
Drinking water is not going to make your skin more or less dry. No correlation there only if you drink more water you are going to wake up a few times to go to the bathroom. Sweat I doubt it.
Dry skin could be.
Try cream.
Try one at the time so you find the correct cause.
Good Luck.
Reply:I have extremely dry skin and it is horrible these days because of the dry cold conditions. It gets unbearably itchy to the point I have welts from scratching in my sleep. I use olive oil after a warm bath and it is the best thing I've found. Believe me I tried all the lotions out there short of a prescription. Olive oil doesn't leave your skin feeling all slippery and greasy either. Try olive oil for a couple days and if it doesn't help then I'd try changing detergents and see if that doesn't help. My other half gets itchy from certain detergents.
Reply:some times the cloth we wear is make us itch try to wear cotton clothes.
some people feel itch summer or winter so try to drink lots of water and do the regular exicerise and watch sodum and salt in food.
Reply:Dry skin is a good bet. You should drink more water since dry skin is the result of lack of moisture i.e. water not lack of oil on your skin. Using a lotion would help also. If you aren't washing your sheets once a week then you may have issues but it probably isn't the cause of your itchy skin. Trying a hypoallergenic detergent wouldn't hurt.
Check out this website for more info
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