Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Itchy skin that causes rash and welts...?

The palm of my hand along w/ the inside of my wrist were itching last nite. Usually i scratch a little %26amp; it goes away, but it continued to itch worse %26amp; worse till %26amp; my stupid *** continued to scratch till it was actually burning. My skin started welting and i had raised bumps and it started to swell. I ran it under cold water thinking that would calm the irritation it but it burned so i put some cortizone on it %26amp; after about 30 mins the irritation started to leave. Since last nite where ever i scratch it does the same thing.

I have had pityriasis rosea in the past which resembled the symtoms but itched mildly. This is MUCH worse!

Itchy skin that causes rash and welts...?
Hives? Allergies?
Reply:Go to the chemist and ask what it is. It could be anything, a series of insect bites, an allergic reaction to something.... It could also be a fungal infection which are extremely easy to catch. A good fungal cream like canesta will treat it if this is the case. A good chemist/pharmacist should know what it is just having a look.
Reply:hives? just dont scratch does it tickle same with me.
Reply:If an anti-fungal ointment takes the itch away, then it might be a yeast infection. Check out www.hufa.org - the yeast link for more info on how to control the itching.

paper bush

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